In honor of the new Cinderella movie, famous shoe designers reimagined the glass slipper.
Did you catch Joanna's new apartment tour?
How to be a friend in deed. I feel like I never know what to do for friends in need and was glad to find this article!
13 signs you're 26. I found too many of these to be true, especially 1, 5, and 12.
Cheese matchmaking app. 'Nuf said.
This girl lived according to the Pinterest popular page.
A and I recently tried Plated and my favorite was the Cheesy Quinoa Casserole. I would definitely make it again.
Still loving this fresh and natural beauty look.
Since switching to a Macbook in August, I'm really paranoid that I'm not managing my backups/iCloud/iPhoto correctly and consequently could potentially lose files. I found this awesome article that clearly breaks down how to manage your Photo Stream and backup photos. Also, I'm a huge fan of Carbonite.

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